Join Me in Action

I almost cried twice this week

This is similar to what Grand6 was playing on at the Milwaukee Zoo

The first time, it crossed my mind to write a post because I am convinced teaching kindness has to start from the very beginning and I wanted to share with you how I plan to implement that as one of our core values at Just Like GRAMMY & POPPOP’S.  I decided I wouldn’t share it. I didn’t want to bring any negativity to you as a reader. You see, I am an empath and I’m not sorry about it, but my heart hurts. I need to rally people together to pull blinders off and let’s encourage kindness! 

It was Nancy Grace the First Time

It sounds weird to say I like true crime stories but I like to listen to Nancy Grace’s True Crime Podcast when I’m driving on errands or in the car alone for any period of time. This past week Nancy had, Sam Teusch, a father on the show to share how he was suffering after losing his ten-year old son, Sammy, to suicide. I just had my jaw on my chest almost the whole episode. There were so many parts that left me breathless and just so dang sad. Sammy had been teased bullied about his crooked teeth and his glasses and his family believes that the pain was just too much for Sammy to bear. He was 10! He was in fourth grade!

Today, it was an incident with Grand6

It was personal hearing about Sammy as Grand6 (who does remain nameless with age for protection) got new glasses last week a day or two before I listened to the podcast. But today, I know my heart skipped a couple of beats when I got this text from Grand6’s parent:

“A kid just got it from me. Wish I knew who his parents were. [Grand6] was playing on there by h-self when these two kids wanted him to get off & he wasn’t done so instead of waiting their turn they got on there and bounced the &^%* out of it 2 vs. 1 and hurt [Grand6].”

They were at the Milwaukee Zoo having a great day and this just devastated Grand6. I was proud of the way Grand6 attempted to resolve it by “telling them no and to stop!” A SIX YEAR OLD!

Kindness is my Anti-Bullying Word

I have read the articles. I even had some studies around bullying and how to watch and prevent bullying in my early childhood education classes as I was preparing for the Director requirements. Honestly, I didn’t focus too much there. But you know when things make a huge impact on you and you just can’t move on? I am determined to advocate better for kindness and speak out against bullying. 

Staying Positive is my Game

I stay positive and usually walk around with my glass half-full. Bully is a negative word to me and it causes sadness for me. Because we are focused on early childhood education from infants-six year olds at Just Like GRAMMY & POPPOP’S, I will ensure we are speaking kind, acting kind, doing kind, showing kindness, focusing on kindness, rewarding kindness.

Will you Join Me?

I hope that you will make a difference and join me in however you feel you can stop bullying. It’s happening too much in our precious world and it needs to stop.  Adults… we need to demonstrate kindness. People are watching and you can make an impact. I won’t even start on the political campaigns going on… I have been off of Facebook for years because of that!



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