Nursing Mother Area

From No Brainers to Extras

As we prepare and dream about the features of our childcare center that will be somewhere in Waukesha County, Wisconsin, hopefully in the Lake Country area, we have a few things that we want to offer without question. I’m talking more than the assumptive standards, or what I would say are no brainers for a top-notch day care where I wouldn’t hesitate to have left my kids,

I’m talking … extras.

We have been talking back and forth with a space that we really like, but we just don’t know if it will work out based on what needs to be done to the building to make it just right for some of our nonnegotiables… like having a line of sight to all of the areas… or being as open and comfortable as we’d like… and yes, some other things I’ll likely write about later.

Nursing Mom Corner

One of the extras that we are committed to making room for is a private area where nursing moms can go feed their child. I remember back in the day when I’d be out and about and my daughter decided it was time to eat… I mean… when it was, it just was… she was in charge of her feeding schedule… so I made it work. If moms want to get in one more feed or even come during a break in the day to feed, we will have a space just for you.

Safe and Comfy

We always welcome your wishes and hope that you don’t hesitate to let us know how we can improve and make things better. We can grow the Nursing Mom Corner together! One of the things that constantly has me heartbroken is that with the responsibility of being a child care center owner comes making sure you always keep safety at the top of mind. So one of the features we will have in place is that this will be a locked area and we will have a sign in-sign out sheet. Only the nursing mom and her own child(ren) will be permitted in the room at one time. It will not be open for use for any other situation during business hours.

Back to Happy Thoughts

We are happy to support all of our parents and all of the children at the center in any way that we can. Offering a place to breastfeed your child before, after, during your time away from your little one will hopefully make things just a little bit easier for everyone.

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